Georgy Gapon

Father Georgiy Apollonovich Gapon was a Russian Orthodox priest and a popular working class leader before the Russian Revolution of 1905. Gapon was murdered by members of Socialist Revolutionary Party for working as an agent provocateur for Russian secret police Okhrana.

Georgiy Apollonovich Gapon was born February 17, 1870 , in the village of Beliki, Poltava Oblast, Ukraine, then part of the Russian Empire. He was the oldest son of a Cossack father and mother who hailed from the local peasantry. Gapons father, Apollon Fedorovich Gapon, had some formal education and served as an elected village elder and clerk in Beliki. His mother was illiterate but religiously devout and actively raised her son in the norms and traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Source: Wikipedia